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Avoid These Top 3 AV Mistakes for a Flawless Festival Experience

Organizing a festival is a thrilling endeavor, but it comes with its fair share of challenges, especially when it comes to audiovisual (AV) planning. Whether it’s a small local event or a large-scale music festival, avoiding common AV mistakes can make all the difference in creating an unforgettable experience for attendees. From our experience, these are the top three mistakes festival organizers make when it comes to AV.


Changing AV Plans Without Consulting the AV Partner

One of the biggest mistakes festival organizers make is making last-minute changes to the AV plan without consulting their AV partner. Whether it’s adjusting the stage layout, changing the lighting scheme, or altering the sound system setup, any changes can have significant implications for the overall AV experience. Failure to communicate changes effectively can lead to technical issues, delays, and ultimately, a subpar experience for both performers and attendees.

To avoid this mistake, festival organizers should maintain open lines of communication with their AV partner throughout the planning process. Any proposed changes should be discussed and agreed upon well in advance to ensure seamless execution on the day of the event.

Overlooking Banner Placement on Mobile Stages

Another common mistake is not taking full advantage of the banner package available with mobile stages. Often, festival organizers fail to strategically place sponsor banners, opting to display them at the back of the stage. However, this placement can be ineffective as the banners may get covered up by the gear and band on the stage, diminishing their visibility and impact.

To maximize sponsor exposure and ensure banners are prominently displayed, festival organizers should work closely with their AV partner to identify optimal placement locations. This may include utilizing side panels, overhead rigging, or other creative solutions to ensure sponsors receive the visibility they deserve.

Placing Food Trucks Too Close to the Stage

While food trucks are a popular feature at festivals, their proximity to the stage can often lead to unintended consequences. Placing food trucks too close to the stage can result in noise pollution from generators interfering with the music, making it difficult for attendees to hear and enjoy performances. Additionally, the loud music can make it challenging for food truck operators to communicate with customers, leading to frustration and inefficiency.

To mitigate these issues, festival organizers should carefully consider the placement of food trucks in relation to the stage. Ideally, food trucks should be located in areas away from the main stage where noise interference is minimal, allowing attendees to enjoy both the music and the culinary offerings without distraction.

By avoiding these common AV mistakes, festival organizers can ensure a smooth and immersive experience for attendees, performers, and sponsors alike. With careful planning and collaboration with experienced AV partners like Cadence Studios, festivals can elevate their production quality and leave a lasting impression on all who attend.